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Conference Session 180

Intergenerational Literacies: texto – techno

Literacy and Reading with Information Literacy

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

21 August 2013 11:45 - 13:45 | Room: Exhibition Hall 406

  • Keynote: TBA
    ROBIN DRESEL and ROY KAR SOON WON (National Library Board, Singapore)
  • Bridge the Text and tech literacy gap between generations - case study of reading programs from public libraries in Guangdong Province of China
    LIU HONGHUI and HUANG QUNQING (Sun Yat-sen Library of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou, China)
  • Information literacy and cultural heritage for lifelong learning: applying the model to develop texttotechno intergenerational literacies
    KIM BAKER (Library and Information Studies Centre, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa)
  • Exploring the role of public libraries in supporting intergenerational literacies through ICTs
    HUI-YUN SUNG (National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, China) and JOHN SIRAJ-BLATCHFORD (University of Swansea, United Kingdom)
  • New information and learning landscapes - challenges to bridge the information 'gaps'
    RUSSELL BOWDEN (National Institute of Library and Information Science (NILIS), Colombo, Sri Lanka)
  • Presentation of the Moscow declaration on media and information literacy and the Tunis Declaration on Libraries, Reading and Intergenerational Dialogue
    MARIA CARME TORRES I CALVA (Bergen University College, Bergen, Norway) and LEIKNY HAGA INDERGAARD (Bergen Public Library, Bergen, Norway)

Last update: 2 July 2013